5 tips to help you save on home insurance

5 Tips to Help You Save on Tenant Insurance

Some tenants believe—wrongly—that they’re insured under their landlord’s policy. To cover the value of your possessions (take a quick inventory—the total value may surprise you!) and your third party liability (what would you do if you inadvertently flooded your neighbor’s apartment?), you need tenant insurance. Of course, necessary or not, everyone wants to save on their insurance premium. Here are a few ways to do just that.


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1. Shop Around to Compare Insurance Plans

The best way to save on tenant and home insurance is simply to shop around. By asking for quotes from different insurers, you’ll be able to see what kinds of coverage are out there and compare. That way you can pick the policy that’s right for you, at the right price!

2. Bundle Your Insurance & Save

Bundling your tenant and car insurance is a great way to unlock additional savings. Most insurers will throw in extra benefits and guarantees if you bundle your home and auto insurance. Plus, doing business with just one insurer will make your life that much easier if you have questions or need to make changes.

3. Make Your Place Safer

Being proactive about home security has the added benefit of bringing down the cost of your insurance. Insurance companies offer a discount when you install an alarm system—especially if it’s connected to an operating center. Thinking about getting a water‑leak detector? Good idea! It’s pretty simple stuff, really: by securing your home, you multiply your chances of saving.

4. Increase Your Deductible

Increasing your deductible can be a good way to save on your monthly tenant insurance payment. Of course, you need to make sure that in the case of a loss, you have the means to pay your premium. Before you raise your premium, be sure to do that math: how much will you save and how much would you be able to pay if you have to make a claim?

5. Are You a University Graduate or Full Time Student? Let Them Know!

You can sometimes save just by sharing information with your insurer. Students living away from home are generally covered by their parents’ policy. Then again, even as a student, you may need your own insurance.

Did you know that insurers offer student discounts? If you’re a full‑time college or university student, depending on your age, you may qualify for a discounted rate on tenant insurance. Along the same line, if you’re a university graduate, let your insurer know! There may be a discount with your name on it.

To sum it up: your best bet is to provide details and ask questions. Insurers love to let you know what they can offer you.


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Ann Nacario

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Meet Ann – our head writer with a knack for making moving and city living a breeze. From the many details of moving to picking the perfect moving company, she’s your guide. Ann has a friendly yet detailed approach to ensure your move goes off without a hitch. When she’s not writing about relocation, it will always be on her mind, but you’ll catch her spending time with her three furry friends.

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