Change of Address: Review of Canada Post’s Mail Forwarding Service - Everything you need to know.

Review of Canada Post’s Mail Forwarding Service - Everything you need to know.

Moving is an exciting yet challenging time that comes with many administrative tasks. If you receive a significant amount of mail at your home, you may want to consider Canada Post’s mail forwarding service so that all your mail is redirected to your new address. Keep reading to find out if mail forwarding is something that you might want to consider buying when you move.

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What is mail forwarding?

Mail forwarding is an optional service that is used to redirect your mail when you move. If you forgot to tell someone or missed a service provider when changing your address, your mail will be forwarded to the right address by Canada Post. The mail forwarding service is like a safety net!

How does mail forwarding work?

Mail forwarding will take into account your previous address and redirect the mail to your new address. When your mail has your previous address on it, it won’t go to your previous address, instead it will go to your new address. In other words, Canada Post will catch your lost letters and redirect them to your new home. Note that mail forwarding does not include the forwarding of packages.

How do I sign up for mail forwarding with Canada Post?

  1. Go to Canada Post’s website.
  2. Create a personal or business profile with Canada Post.
  3. Fill in your personal information.
  4. Verify your email address.
  5. Follow the instructions to begin your mail forwarding process.
  6. Pay with your credit card.
  7. You may be required to visit your local post office with a provided bar code.

*If you’re unfamiliar with using online tools, you can sign up for mail forwarding directly at your nearest post office.

Who is mail forwarding good for?

Do you receive a lot of mail?

If you don’t:

If you don’t receive a lot of mail (not packages), mail forwarding may not be worth it for you. You can simply ask the new owner or renter to contact you in case they receive any mail with your name on it. It is still very important to change your address when moving, so make sure you get that done at least a few weeks in advance.

If you do:

If you receive a lot of mail, mail forwarding will be very convenient for you. If you have multiple people living in the same home or if you have a big family, it can be an efficient way to make sure everyone receives their mail at the new destination. Forgetting to change your address with a certain service provider does happen so you will be happy to know your mail will be forwarded to the right address.

How much is Canada Post mail forwarding?

Mail forwarding Residential Cost – Within Province

Duration Residential Cost
3 months(for temporary relocation only) $53.70
4 months $56.70
12 months $86.80
Extra month $17.90

Mail forwarding Business Cost – Within Province

Duration Business Cost
Cost per month(for temporary relocation only) $96.60
Cost per month(for high volume temporary relocation only) $170.52
4 months $170.55
4 months(high volume) $943.03
12 months $264.75
12 months(High volume) $1,464.09

*Consider these as average costs. Canada-Post mail forwarding costs are subject to change at all times. Visit Canada Post’s mail forwarding pricing section for updated pricing along with cross provincial and international mail forwarding rates.

How long does mail forwarding last?

  • For temporary residential relocation within provinces, mail forwarding lasts a minimum of 3 months to which monthly renewals can be applied.
  • For temporary business relocation within provinces, there is no minimum number of months required.
  • For permanent residential relocation within provinces, mail forwarding lasts from 4 to 12 months. For permanent business relocation within provinces, mail forwarding lasts from 4 to 12 months.

For more information about cross provincial and international mail forwarding durations, see Canada Post’s website.

How does Canada Post business mail forwarding work?

Canada Post business mail forwarding is very similar to residential mail forwarding. Business mailforwading is more expensive and holds a larger mail capacity. You may choose to select high volume mail forwarding if you have a big business or just stick to the default option if you don’t have a big business. To sign up for business mail forwarding, you can begin by creating a business profile with Canada Post. If you’re unfamiliar with using online tools, you can sign up for business mail forwarding directly at your nearest post office.

Does Canada Post change my address for me or should I do it myself?

Buying mail forwarding with Canada Post is an efficient way to make sure all your mail is redirected to the right place. While your mail will be redirected to a different address, your address will not be changed. The address your service providers and other organizations have on hand will not be changed. Canada Post usually puts a sticker on your redirected mail to remind you to complete all your other address changes on your own.

Pro tips: If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to complete all your address changes, to avoid paying for mail forwarding, check out our free address changing tool that will save you time and headaches.

Pros and cons of mail forwarding


  • Strangers won’t be receiving your mail
  • Can easily sign up online or in person
  • Service is available for temporary relocations as well
  • It’s affordable
  • Multiple people living at the same address can sign up on the same mail forwarding account which will allow them to receive their redirected mail as well


  • Does not forward parcels/packages
  • Residential mail forwarding comes in packages of 4 or 12 months only
  • It does not start immediately (*Takes up to 10 business days to begin)
  • Some confidential mail like government issued PR Cards may not be forwarded
  • Mail forwarding does not change your address. Address changes with all service providers must still be changed manually. See MovingWaldo’s free address changing tool to simplify your address changing process.

Frequently Asked Questions on Mail Forwarding

How does mail forwarding work if I move to another country?

Signing up for international mail forwarding has the same process as signing up for residential mail forwarding. The only differences are that it is almost double the cost and that it will take longer to arrive. To know more about the costs and the functioning, see Canada Posts mail forwarding section and click next to find international mail forwarding.

How long does it take forwarded mail to arrive?

Mail forwarding takes an average of 5 and 10 business days to start. After the service has begun, it may arrive on time or take a few days more than how long you would regularly be expecting that mail to arrive at your address. Canada Post needs to proceed to the redirection which can take more time.

How quickly does mail forwarding start?

It is recommended by Canada Post to begin your mail forwarding process at least one month before your move. Mail forwarding will then take between 5 and 10 business days to start. If you sign up directly at your nearest post office, mail forwarding can start as early as 3 business days. Processing times depend on the volume of orders Canada Post receives. Mail forwarding may be delayed during holidays.

What mail will not be forwarded?

The mail that Canada Post does not forward will be sent to the address listed on the mail itself. For mail like packages, that will not be forwarded, you should change your address directly on that company’s website before your move.

What happens to mail that is not forwarded?

The mail that Canada Post does not forward will be sent to the address listed on the mail itself. For mail like packages, that will not be forwarded, you should change your address directly on that company’s website before your move.

Does mail forwarding include packages?

You should not expect your Amazon or other online packages to be delivered to the address you listed on Canada Posts mail forwarding service. Canada Post’s mail forwarding service does not include packages. If you want your packages to be delivered to the right address, change the address on the online website or app yourself and don’t order anything that may arrive before you move.

When should you forward your mail when moving?

Canada Post recommends that you sign up for mail forwarding at least one month before your move. It can take up to 10 days for the mail forwarding process itself to launch and be prepared to experience a delay if they are experiencing a high volume of orders. Creating your account with Canada Post and beginning the mail forwarding process 30 days in advance, is the best way to guarantee that your mail will arrive at your new address on time.

How do I extend mail forwarding with Canada Post?

To extend mail forwarding with Canada Post:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to “Dashboard”
  3. Select “Mail Forwarding”
  4. Select “View all orders”
  5. Select “View details”
  6. Scroll down to “Transaction History”
  7. Select “Extend”

How do I stop my mail from being forwarded?

To stop mail forwarding with Canada Post:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to “Dashboard”
  3. Select “Mail Forwarding”
  4. Select “View all orders”
  5. Select “View details”
  6. Scroll down to “Transaction History”
  7. Select “Cancel Service”

Can government mail be forwarded?

Most government mail should be eligible for mail forwarding. However, some very important documents like PR Cards may not be forwarded as they are strictly confidential. Mail that is stamped as “Do Not Forward” will not be forwarded.

Can someone forward your mail without permission?

Unless they have special permission from Canada Post, no one can forward your mail except for yourself. If you think you are a victim of fraudulent mail forwarding, visit Canada’s Anti-Fraud Centre.

Do you need a death certificate to forward mail belonging to a deceased individual?

To forward mail belonging to a deceased individual, yes you do need a death certificate. You must fill out a Statutory Declaration Form to which you will attach the individual’s death certificate.

Can I have my mail forwarded to a P.O. box?

Yes you can forward your mail to a po box. Mail will however not be forwarded to a shared po box. For more information on mail forwarding to a po box and for general inquiries on po boxes go to Canada Post’s Postal Box section.

What happens to my aftermail forwarding expires?

After mail forwarding expires, your mail will be redirected to your previous address. To extend your mail forwarding service go to the mail forwarding section on your Dashboard and select “Extend Service”.

How do I forward mail to someone else?

When signing up for mail forwarding with Canada Post, in the first few steps, you will have the option to forward someone else’s mail. This person must be living in your household. You are not allowed to forward mail for someone who is not living in your household, unless you get special permission from Canada Post due to a special circumstance.

What is temporary mail forwarding?

Temporary mail forwarding is used when you will be leaving your residence for a while, but you know that you will be coming back. This service is offered for a minimum of 3 months to which you can add one month at a time thereafter. Temporary mail forwarding is more expensive than permanent mail forwarding. If you are certain you will be coming back to your original address, make sure to choose temporary mail forwarding and not permanent mail forwarding.

What is permanent mail forwarding?

Permanent mail forwarding is for when you will not be returning to your previous address. This service is offered for 4 months at a time or 12 months at a time. Permanent mail forwarding is less expensive than temporary forwarding. If you are not returning to your original address choose the permanent option.


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Ann Nacario

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Meet Ann – our head writer with a knack for making moving and city living a breeze. From the many details of moving to picking the perfect moving company, she’s your guide. Ann has a friendly yet detailed approach to ensure your move goes off without a hitch. When she’s not writing about relocation, it will always be on her mind, but you’ll catch her spending time with her three furry friends.
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